MysteryMonday: Damaged Building, c.1965

#MysteryMonday – Today’s mystery images are from a strip of 120 format 6×6 negatives, possibly the same roll of film as last Monday’s mystery, which turned out to be Mountainview Road, Briar Hill circa early to mid 1960s. So the date of these images could be a similar time frame.  They appear to be of damage incurred to a carport attached to a house where the subsoil has collapsed or washed away. Presumably it was of some relevance to Council as it is believed that this film originated from the Shire of Eltham Engineering department.

This looks like it could be a rear view of the carport, which has possibly been made with re-used materials; an old sign. (From the collection of Eltham District Historical Society)
Possibly the front view of the carport, showing how the the embankment has collapsed taking the wall with it. (From the collection of Eltham District Historical Society)
Another view from inside the carport showing the sub-soil collapse. Note the fabulous old Victa lawn mower. (From the collection of Eltham District Historical Society)

Can you identify it? Any theories you’d care to share? We’d love to hear from you; your thoughts and suggestions as to where it is, and what the circumstances may be.

Over to you . . .

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