Heritage Walk: Research Valley Southside – Saturday, 1st July 2023

Meet at 2.00 pm at Research Shops, Main Road
(Melway ref 22 G2)

View from Research (Photo: Barry Philp, EDHS Collection)

This walk includes sites of heritage interest close to the Research shops and a walk through the 1940s subdivision that forms the southern part of Research. However the main feature of the walk are the views of the Research valley and beyond as we walk back into the valley along the power line easement track. This will include views to the site of the former Eltham Barrel restaurant.

This walk on Saturday 1st July (weather permitting) will start at 2.00pm at the Research shopping centre in Main Road (Melway ref. 22 G2). The distance is about 3 km and it will take about 2 hours.

This free walk is open to the general public as well as Society members. Dogs are not permitted on Society excursions.