April Meeting: Eltham to Hurstbridge Railway – The line through the valley of the Diamond

Annual General Meeting

Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 2pm

Eltham Senior Citizens’ Centre, Library Place, Eltham

Our meeting at 2.00pm on Saturday 23rd April 2022 is our Annual General Meeting, which includes the presentation of annual reports and the election of office bearers for the coming year.

Construction of the railway line from Eltham to Hurst’s Bridge
(Photo: Albert Jones c.1911, State Library of Victoria)
Eltham to Hurstbridge Railway – The line through the valley of the Diamond

At this meeting we are pleased to have as our guest speaker Mark Cauchi, who is an active railway historian and a long-term member of the former Australian Railway Historical Society. Mark will provide a glimpse into the extension of the railway from Eltham to Hurstbridge, using various historic and current-day railway images.

Whilst the Government has announced the lifting of some restrictions by this date, we will continue to operate under Council’s direction unless advised differently by then. As a consequence, everyone attending our AGM will need to show they are double vaccinated.

COVID safe practices will be in place during the meeting and serving of refreshments.